The knee-high grass and wide open field of Fort Magsaysay may appear bare and simple at first glance but it contains many easy hiding places where highly trained elite snipers can eliminate the unwary.
The field is, however, very safe even for lady players and children (
parental guidance is required) because it's
very flat -- there are no dangerous heights, no ditches, few hard and rough surfaces, and the grass absorbs your fall if you stumble.

Airsofters who stand up can be seen and targeted from a distance -- but those who lie down disappear from view. This is the game site where you can hide in plain sight! Practice how well you can take advantage of every dip or wrinkle in the ground; keep your head down or it will stick out like a sore thumb and be hammered from a distance.
High-strength goggles, face masks, and head protection is required because 90% of all kills on this field are made with head and upper-body shots. Moreover, cover your skin fully because crawling through the grass will make you itchy and scratchy, while the blazing noonday sun will tan your hide.
Practice your stealth and sneaking ability... creep up to your opponents and take them out with a single well-placed shot... or pepper them with full-auto fire, if the wind doesn't make your light-weight ammo swerve sideways.
Fully equipped snipers with single-shot sniper rifles, telescopic sights, heavier BBs, and ghillie suits rule the field in Fort Magsaysay -- but airsofters with full-auto battle rifles and submachine guns can assault and sweep them away with high-volume fire, if they're good at it.

Test your bolt-action sniper rifles with 0.28-g and 0.30-g BB ammo. For pilot-testing purposes, no FPS limits will be imposed on single-shot sniper rifles (yet!) but the marshals require responsible and safe use of your airsoft guns or you will be removed from the game. Do not overkill and try not to shoot an opponent's exposed body part at point-blank range.
Never be tempted to act like a zombie because that only invites multiple high-velocity hits on your dense, hard head. Those who readily admit being hit gain everyone's respect and camaraderie. It is normal in Fort Magsaysay to be nailed by a sniper even from an unbelievable distance, so just admit it and try to do better in the next game....
This sniper-friendly field allows all violations to be seen by many witnesses -- especially those with cameras and binoculars. They will laugh like a crazy hyena if you make dumb-ass moves that violate the rules of honorable airsoft conduct. Your reputation is at risk.
We will, however, applaud and honor you if you can sneak up on any opponent and score a "knife kill." That makes you the better Indian warrior. Kudos!
Remember the sniper's warning: Don't run because you'll only die tired.