- both players can guard each other's blind side;
- both players can fire in different directions simultaneously or alternatingly;
- one player fires in one direction while the other member reloads, changes position, or keeps watch;
- one player can distract or suppress an opponent while another tries to decisively surprise the opponent;
- both players can outflank a single individual by attacking from different directions.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Basic Infantry Combat Tactics
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Changes to the Weekly Game Schedule
Fort Magsaysay can extend Saturday and Sunday afternoon games into the early evening at the players' request. Depending on the available schedules of the organizers, a weekend game can extend up to 8pm or 9pm. From sundown to the early evenig, you and your fellow nocturnal predators can roam the wide open field of Fort Magsaysay and hunt your opponents with BBs.
Night fighting at Fort Magsaysay is like fighting at twilight because it's not totally dark with light coming from surrounding houses or the well-lit sky. However, be prepared for close-quarters combat as your sneaky opponents try to use stealth in silent mode to try to "knife-kill" you. Be careful of making point-blank overkills!
Important Reminder: Each player should bring both "Dead Man's Rags" (red-colored cloths)* and blinker lights or flashlights to serve as hit indicators so you won't keep on getting shot by other active players after you've already been hit. Remember, shout out that you've been hit then place your dead man's rag on your head and/or turn on your blinker light. The organizers will be offering a limited number of blinker lights for rent if you don't have one.
[Creepy mode: Those who for one reason or another fail to indicate they've been hit will be provided with a freshly dug grave where they can sleep for the night until they join the ranks of the perennially undead.]
Please inform DaGrinch (cellphone +63-919-8696931) to inform him that you're playing on a Saturday or Sunday night, how many are playing with you, and what time you'll be arriving. Budget meals, snacks, and drinks are available with prior arrangements, so please confirm early enough or you might go hungry and thirsty.
* Dead man's markers or cloths were pioneered by the Action Games League in the Philippines and are a recommended means to immediately identify those already hit to prevent overkilling (excessive shooting) and possum playing (pretending to be already hit).
Weekend Play Starts in the Morning till Early Evening
During the summer, playing at Fort Magsaysay in the daytime had become similar to desert warfare. In the interest of avoiding heatstroke among the players, the organizers thus adjusting the playing time to start at 2pm. However, with the rainy season starting early, games can now start in the morning and continue all day.
Games will start on Saturdays and Sundays as early as 8am and end at around 6pm (this can be extended at the players' request). If some players would like to start earlier (from 6pm to 10am, for instance), please contact DaGrinch (cellphone +63-919-8696931) at least one day before so we can make special arrangements.
Please observe maximum gun velocity limits of 450 fps (using 0.2-g BBs) for AEGs. Night-time fighting offers more opportunities for CQB (close-quarters battle) so please be more safety conscious and avoid point-blank high-volume fire on opponents.
Do you want to play with your best set of buddies or with your club or workgroup? Do you want to use airsoft for team-building and to develop long-lasting camaraderie and fellowship? Now is your chance for everyone in your team to learn how to play airsoft and have fun at the same time.
Any group who wants to play its own set of private games may contact DaGrinch (cellphone +63-919-8696931) so we can block off a special day and time schedule for you from Monday to Friday.
If there are beginners or first-time airsoft players who will be joining, please tell them to bring the following:
- Long, rugged pants and thick long-sleeved shirts worn on top of shorts and T-shirts.
- Head and neck protection in the form of thick caps, balaclavas, hoods, helmets, shemaghs. or a dark-colored T-shirt wrapped around the head.
- High-cut outdoor shoes or boots worn with two pairs of socks to avoid foot injuries.
- Any type of gloves to protect against grass cuts and BB hits.
- Calamine lotion (Caladryl), insect repellent, sunscreen lotion, rubbing alcohol, soap, and any personal medication.
Airsoft Coaching and Tactical Training
All beginners will be provided with introductory briefings about airsoft. If needed, standard airsoft rules, basic combat tactics, and specific game mechanics will be explained by the game site marshals to all players.
Safety rules must always be followed to avoid serious injury to everyone. Honesty and fair play are required from all players at all times; violators may be ejected from a game and/or suspended from further play.
Regular airsoft players and teams who want to advance to the next higher level of airsoft play may request special training and coaching sessions under the guidance of our experienced tactical instructors. Please contact DaGrinch (cellphone +63-919-8696931) to arrange for a coaching interview to diagnose your needs and to arrange training schedule. Coaching fees will depend on the type of training provided at your request.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Snipers and Counter-Snipers rule the wide open grassland of Fort Magsaysay
The knee-high grass and wide open field of Fort Magsaysay may appear bare and simple at first glance but it contains many easy hiding places where highly trained elite snipers can eliminate the unwary.
The field is, however, very safe even for lady players and children (parental guidance is required) because it's very flat -- there are no dangerous heights, no ditches, few hard and rough surfaces, and the grass absorbs your fall if you stumble.
Airsofters who stand up can be seen and targeted from a distance -- but those who lie down disappear from view. This is the game site where you can hide in plain sight! Practice how well you can take advantage of every dip or wrinkle in the ground; keep your head down or it will stick out like a sore thumb and be hammered from a distance.
High-strength goggles, face masks, and head protection is required because 90% of all kills on this field are made with head and upper-body shots. Moreover, cover your skin fully because crawling through the grass will make you itchy and scratchy, while the blazing noonday sun will tan your hide.
Practice your stealth and sneaking ability... creep up to your opponents and take them out with a single well-placed shot... or pepper them with full-auto fire, if the wind doesn't make your light-weight ammo swerve sideways.
Fully equipped snipers with single-shot sniper rifles, telescopic sights, heavier BBs, and ghillie suits rule the field in Fort Magsaysay -- but airsofters with full-auto battle rifles and submachine guns can assault and sweep them away with high-volume fire, if they're good at it.
Test your bolt-action sniper rifles with 0.28-g and 0.30-g BB ammo. For pilot-testing purposes, no FPS limits will be imposed on single-shot sniper rifles (yet!) but the marshals require responsible and safe use of your airsoft guns or you will be removed from the game. Do not overkill and try not to shoot an opponent's exposed body part at point-blank range.
Never be tempted to act like a zombie because that only invites multiple high-velocity hits on your dense, hard head. Those who readily admit being hit gain everyone's respect and camaraderie. It is normal in Fort Magsaysay to be nailed by a sniper even from an unbelievable distance, so just admit it and try to do better in the next game....
This sniper-friendly field allows all violations to be seen by many witnesses -- especially those with cameras and binoculars. They will laugh like a crazy hyena if you make dumb-ass moves that violate the rules of honorable airsoft conduct. Your reputation is at risk.
We will, however, applaud and honor you if you can sneak up on any opponent and score a "knife kill." That makes you the better Indian warrior. Kudos!
Remember the sniper's warning: Don't run because you'll only die tired.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Experience Extreme Airsoft at Fort Magsaysay !

Set-piece airsoft battles, skirmishes, close-quarter combat, sniper duels, raids and ambushes, search-and-destroy, escort-the-VIP -- are just a few among the several scenarios that Fort Magsaysay offers.
Be able to relax and take refreshments betwen games. Play with your friends and family!
The gamesite operators with a special guest.
Ladies enjoying themselves as players and observers of the games:
The Gamesite

Map and Location
The site is 10-15 minutes away from the Santolan LRT2 Station and Sta. Lucia Mall on Marcos Highway. It is also the same approximate distance from Rosario, Pasig City. It is about 10 minutes away from Eastwood City (Quezon City) via Calle Industriya Street in Bagumbayan.
Manggahan, Pasig City
Metro Manila, Philippines
The map below is accurate except for the route arrow which has changed because of the MRR traffic rerouting plan.
Travel Directions:
As of 17 May 2008, the short stretch of Ramon Magsaysay Street between Amang Rodriguez Avenue and Manggahan Real Road has been blocked to traffic. Manggahan Real Road is now a one-way street with traffic going northward only. The entrance to Manggahan Real Road is now at Apolinario Mabini Street, approximately 400 meters to the south of Ramon Magsaysay Street. Please check the traffic rerouting plan and ask for Pasig City traffic assistance to avoid confusion.
- Approach along Amang Rodriguez Avenue (either from Marikina or Pasig directions).
- Near Santa Lucia Parish Church and iPark Center Shops (Burger Machine Kiosk) -- pedestrians only.
- Enter Apolinario Mabini Street and Baranggay Manggahan marker (arch above the road)
- Turn north (left) at the first corner = Manggahan Real Road (locally known as MRR)
- Proceed northward approximately 1 km, cross Ramon Magsaysay Street, until you reach a yellow wall and a rust red gate on the eastern (right-hand) side (Lot #405 MRR). Ask caretaker to open the gate.
- Find a parking spot inside the compound, or if already full, along the parking lane of MRR beside the wall (drop off guns and players first inside the compound, to avoid alarming the local residents).
(Look for the rust red colored gate with concrete wall as shown in the photo below -- the wall is now painted bright yellow.)
Front view (eastward) of Sta. Lucia Parish Church from Amang Rodriguez Avenue, Manggahan, Pasig City. Along Marikina-Pasig Jeepney route.

I-Park Center Shops with Burger Machine Kiosk. Directly in front of archway entrance to Barangay Manggahan and Ramon Magsaysay Avenue.

Welcome Arch (metal) entrance to Barangay Manggahan and Ramon Magsaysay Street. From here, proceed south 400-500 meters along Amang Rodriguez Avenue, and turn left on Apolinario Mabini Street, turn left again (northward) to MRR (Manggahan Real Road) to Lot #405.
Fort Magsaysay Airsoft Gamesite
Entrance Fee, Requirements and Contact Person
Playing Field Description
The playing area is a flat grassy field with minor dips and mounds. The field has ankle-high to thigh-high grass with scattered grass tussocks and small trees. There are designated outposts with flags for "attack/defend the base" scenarios.
Except for a few portions on the boundaries, there are no major diggings, high elevations, hard concrete surfaces, no deep ditches, no swampy watercourses.
The field has been enhanced with movable erected barricades and grass-filled sacks to serve as mini-bunkers. These barricades can be adjusted or rearranged for speedball arena or close-quarters combat (CQC/CQB) scenarios.
Spectators can make use of an elevated platform area to watch the entire field -- eye protection (goggles and masks) are required for everyone. (Reminder: All spectators and non-active players must stay out of the line of fire and avoid coaching or interfering with the game play.)
Game Site Information
Gamesite Fee = P 100 per player per day.
Regular Field AEG limits = 450 fps @ 0.2-g BBs (unless otherwise stated).
CQB or Night scenarios = 350 fps @ 0.2-g BBs (for specialized scenarios only).
Experimental open FPS @ 0.28-g or 0.30-g BBs for bolt-action/single-shot sniper rifles under special restrictions and scenarios.
Teams will be provided with colored armbands for identification.
Multiple games can be held throughout the playing day. Some simultaneous games can be conducted in restricted areas.
To avoid heatstroke at noon, the Game Schedule this summer has been moved to start at 2pm and end at 9pm.
Morning games and private games shall be held by prior arrangement.
Contact: "DaGrinch" (Ronald Alojipan) at Cell no. +63-919-869-6931
BB ammo, Meals, Snacks, and Drinks are available for sale on-site.
AEGs (airsoft electric guns with one magazine of ammo) can be rented for P400 per day. Protectie Goggles or Face Mask can be rented for P100 per day. Vests, for those who want them can be rented for P100 per day. Please call at least two days ahead of expected playing day to arrange for equipment rentals.
Airsoft's Honesty System and Rules of Fair Play
When hit by a direct-fired BB (not a ricochet or gun hit), each player must do the following immediately:
- Shout "Hit" to acknowledge the hit then raise the gun or a hand and stand up.
- if you don't acknowledge your first hit, other players can keep on shooting at you repeatedly ("overkill") and a marshal will eject you from the game (and you will be known as a "zombie" or "undead cheater").
- Bring out a red or orange cloth and place it on his head or shoulder to serve as a hit indicator (this is known as a "dead man's rag" in the USA, but was pioneered in the Philippines by the Action Games League).
- Walk back to the safe zone to wait for the next game. Do not cross the line of fire between opposing active players to avoid getting hit again.
- Avoid talking to anybody else about what you know or about the situation ("Dead men can't talk").
Know what to do in borderline, questionable situations such as those described below:
- If you suffer a gun or equipment malfunction that cannot be repaired on the field, or if you feel for any reason that you may have been hit, please call yourself out and walk off the field. You can correct the equipment problem and play again in the next game.
- Do not reactivate yourself to rejoin the same game unless authorized to do so by a marshal, or you will be known as a cheater ("a mummy"). Only a marshal can authorize "re-spawning" and only for specific scenarios (such as having a designated team medic).
- Do not pretend to be hit if you still aren't (this is called "playing possum"), and try to gain an unfair advantage over your opponents. This type of tactic may cause unnecessary hard feelings that could damage gentlemanly camaraderie. (Note: "playing possum" is a term adopted from the Action Games League's Rulebook.)
- When in point-blank range of an opponent, you can fire one shot at a protected body part (avoiding unnecessary injury), or touch the opponent (not his gun!) for a "simulated knife kill."
- Avoid using harsh language or physical contact that could turn into a real fight. You would then be suspended from further play.
Play safely, honestly, and fairly. Your reputation is at risk.