MIL-SIM enthusiasts are invited to join the first-ever two-part mil-sim operation tournament held on two separate weekends on two different game sites. ARMED CONFLICTS Episode 1.0 PrisonBreak and Episode 2.0 NightWatch will be held in Pasig City in May 2009.Band of Brothers Ltd. and Team Wildcats, in cooperation with Sureshock Airsoft Group, are conducting the tournament to support their respective civic acti on charity activities.
This announcement is posted in all major Philippine Airsoft Gamers' Forum Websites.

EPISODE 1.0 - OP: PRISONBREAK (Day Operation)
Area of Operation: RHS Alumni Gamesite
Rizal High School, Caniogan, Pasig City
Date: May 02, 2009 (Saturday)
Time of Registration: 0730hrs - 1000hrs
Free: Lunch meal
Contact: Bong-09179644716
EPISODE 2.0 - OP: NIGHTWATCH (Night Operation)
Area of Operation: Fort Magsaysay Airsoft Gamesite
Lot #405 MRR, Manggahan, Pasig City
Date: May 09 - 10, 2009 (Saturday PM - Sunday AM)[/I]
Time of Registration: 1600hrs - 1800hrs
Free: Dinner meal
Contact: Dagrinch-09198696931
Proceeds will be for the Manggahan Medical Mission and RHS Feeding Program
Limited Slots for 10 teams only with 12 members/team
Episode 1.0-OP:PrisonBreak & Episode 2.0-OP:NightWatch
* EPISODE 1.0 *
PNN(Pinoy News Network)
We have confirmed reports that 2 volunteer workers of the National Green Cross have been abducted and presumed kidnapped by rebel forces in a small village called Pandan in the outskirts of Niyugan City. While doing a medical mission for the children, the village was attacked at dawn by a group of 50 rebels believed to be connected with MPG (MGA PASAWAY GROUP) led by the notorious rebel leader General Electro Moto. It is believed that the group are now holding the hostages at the rebel base in the mountainous region of Mt. Talabsak. They are now demanding 50 million dollars as ransom and the release of their fellow rebels. If their demands are not met within the next 72 hours, they will execute the hostages and any hostile response of the government against the rebels will be met through ARMED CONFLICTS such as retaliation and destruction of government facilities and military bases.
0800hrs Hotel time zone
Re: Operation codename: "PRISONBREAK"
Highest Priority:
Deploy a 12-man team designated 1st Reactionary Force which will be divided into 2 groups of 6 men each designated as Team Alpha and Team Bravo.
1. Urgent – locate, infiltrate and rescue 2 NGC hostages at enemy rebel base.
2. Apprehend and capture alive rebel leader General Electro Moto.
3. Retrieve any or all discs containing vital intelligence data from rebel camp. One disc
will provide details and information for the next mission (EPISODE 2.0).
You have 30 Minutes to complete your mission. You will have to abandon bodies of KIA teammates in order to successfully extract the recovered hostages at the exact extraction time. In any case of a failed or successful mission your team will proceed to Extraction Point Whiskey or be left behind.
Intel Briefs:
- Both squads will parachute using HALO at the AO(Area of Operation). One squad will infiltrate 3kms from the north and the other squads will approach 2kms from the south.
- Eliminate possible snipers upon entering rebel base.
- Minimum armed security in place at the holding cell.
- Gen. Moto believe to be unarmed and located at his quarters.
- Highest probability of reinforcements from the garrison barracks located 10 mins away upon attack of the prison cells.
- 3 Discs will be kept inside hard cases with distinctive markings.
Gen. Magsaysay
Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
End message…………
Rules of the Game:
-will be blindfolded and hands tied wearing white t-shirt with big green cross front and back of shirt indicating member of the National Green Cross to simulate actual hostage scenario.
-should be protected at all times upon rescue up to extraction. Points will be deducted if hostages gets hit but must be extracted whether hit or not.
General Electro Moto
- will be unarmed but must be captured and extracted from the area ALIVE. If hit, he will lie down dead and must be left behind.
- will be carrying only 1 disc with him but may not be carrying the needed information for EPISODE 2.0.
- 15 to 20 rebels including snipers and guard details in a game; Once Hit Rebels will need to call HIT then lie down dead until end of the scenario.
- will be wearing maong pants with assorted upper BDU and face covering shemag to differentiate them from the participating teams.
- Snipers will be armed with bolt-action spring-loaded sniper rifles.
Assault Team = 1st Reactionary Force (Participating Teams)
- must be divided into two-6 man squads and released at the same time at the start of the game at 2 opposite staging areas.
- Assault teams will be allowed to carry one rifle and one handgun but must wear FULL BDU (upper and lower must be the same pattern) to differentiate them from the rebels..
- Once Hit individuals must call out their hits and lay down motionless and silent till the end of the game.
- Dead comrades/rebels cannot be used as shields during a firefight.
Intel Discs
- Only official Tournament Discs will be surrendered to the Chief Marshal after the game and will be opened to assure authenticity of the discs. Once correct disc has been retrieved, a hard copy of the classified mission profile for EPISODE 2.0 will be given to the team leader.
- Upon reaching Extraction Point Whiskey, there will be 3 wooden pallets which will simulate the inside of a Huey (UH-1 Helicopter) and must be boarded one at a time. Only 5 individuals (players, hostages, prisoner) will be allowed to set foot and sit down at each pallet (helicopter). When all 5 passengers are ready, they must blow a whistle to indicate lift-off and another set of passengers will board the next pallet (helicopter). At the same time, other members of the team must give covering fire to ensure the safety of the helicopters and their team mates until all remaining players have boarded safely and lifted off. If the time limit is reached before completion of extraction, any member of the team left behind will be considered KIA or captured.
(Note that extraction time will be crucial as all Rebels will already know your presence by then. Successful extraction time and time remaining till the end of the mission will be recorded and included in the score.)
How to Earn Points
Each team will start off with 150 points.
Mission Completion:
Capture of Gen. Moto = +30 points
Rescue of NGC hostages = +40 points
Live Team Member = +10 Points
Time remaining after completing the mission will be added to the score of each team.
Death of Gen. Moto = -40 Points
Death of 1 NGC hostage = -30 Points
Demerits for non compliance of rules = -20 points
Retrieval of any discs will not have any points and will not be included in the scoring system but getting the correct disc will be advantageous since it will provide in advance all data and information so a team can be prepared for the next mission (EPISODE 2.0). If retrieval was not achieved by any participating teams, mission briefing for EPISODE 2.0 will be given on the actual date one week after EPISODE 1.0.
“Mission = Incomplete” if all team members fail to extract from the site completely and 100 Points will be deducted from their score.
Friendly-fire will be strictly enforced and applied throughout the entire game.
Standard Airsoft Game Rules will apply.
Note: Limited slots available only
Pre-register now online at
or visit us at Fort Magsaysay Airsoft Gamesite
or Rizal High School Gamesite
A 2-part series of Events and Scenarios
Registration Fee: P600.00/player or P7,200.00/team
(A one-time payment to be paid on Episode 1.0 at RHS Gamesite)
AEG Limit: 450fps on .20bbs
NOTE: Teams have to register and play on EPISODE 1.0 to be able to engage in EPISODE 2.0
EPISODE 2.0: NightWatch
Main Briefing for all Participating Teams will be on the Night of the Mission.
Final Scores for Episodes 1.0 and 2.0 will be tallied and Tournament Results will be announced at Dawn.
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