Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Photos and Gamesite Events

From June to November 2008, Fort Magsaysay underwent steady changes as the operators added new obstacles and bunkers. The bunkers were moved around and strengthened to provide a variety of cover, concealment, and fields of fire.

Three forts were constructed, each with a different set of defensive barriers. The Iraqi base was located on high rocky ground that could overlook the assaulting forces except along certain concealed routes. The Philippine base consisted of low ditches and mounds, assorted barriers, and junk heaps. The American base had long bunker walls on flat grassy terrain to simulate the prairie forts of the Old West.

Players came steadily every weekend even as the weather turned wet with the rainy season. Players, like the Marines and Navy Seals, adapted to the rains and learned to play on the wet grass when the water became knee deep. We'd wait for the heavy rain to pass and then play during the drizzles. Everyone learned to have fun even while being showered by raindrops and BBs.

As the rains lessened and as the water receded, barriers were relocated and the style of play changed from stealthy movements to rapid rushes. Sniper wars erupted between the various forces as both long range gunfire and close-in assaults surged on the raging battlefield.

Squads learned to play with practiced teamwork and coordinated actions against their opponents. Assault knife kills became the spectacular goal of the experience players.